W H A T W E D O :
Our main focus is on building confidence in every student. We do this through introducing:
- basic stage craft
- text interpretation and presentation
- theatre terminology and documentation
- teamwork building
- leadership skills
- movement and choreography
- singing and rhythms
- storytelling skills and transitions
- Performance experience
Our philosophy is fundamentally based on the Reggio Emilia approach to learning and developing where focus is on the individual student and supporting their personal journey.
A G E S : 8 – 13 years (Years 4-8)
D A Y S : Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
T I M E S : 4.30pm – 6.30pm
F E E S : A free trial is offered and then fees are payable termly. Payment can be made by BACS, or by using the PayPal button below.
F E E S P A Y M E N T :
Many thanks, we hope you enjoy your time at AliCaT…Ali and Shaun x

Shaun and Ali – AliCaT Teachers